Maximum word count should not exceed 250. Headings should be in ‘Times New Roman’ (Font size 14, bold), Sub headings (Font size 12, bold). Use ‘Times New Roman’ (Font size 12) for Text of the abstract. Insert your Email Address and Contact Cell No. in the Word document of the Abstract. Save the file with name which indicates the content of the file (Example: Sana-Lipoproteins in Obesity.doc).
TITLE (Font size 14 pt)
Name of presenter(s) (Font size 12 pt), (Presenting author bold)
Affiliations of all authors
Background and Objective
Conclusion(s) & Recommendation(s)
Send the finally edited copy of the Abstract in email to as an attachment of Word file. Also send a hard copy to Conference Secretariat, AJK Medical College, Stadium Road, Muzaffarabad-13100, Pakistan for record. The Abstracts will be reviewed by a Committee and sorted as Oral or Poster Presentation. The Letter of Acceptance will be issues accordingly to the accepted abstracts.
Guidelines for Poster Preparation
The Poster must be 3 X 4 feet size, Portrait, printed on Panaflex. The Contents must be Title, Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusion(s), and References. Pictures and Diagrams to elaborate the contents help a lot! The Fonts should be clearly visible and readable.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
Prepare PowerPoint slides for presentation. The slides follow the same rules as Abstract, i.e., Title, Background and Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. The Fonts must be clearly visible to the audience at the back! Arrange slides in order and practice for time management. Pictures, Tables and animations are always better than simple text.